On the 6th day of Geekmas, I printed Cloud's Buster Sword. During Geekmas, I was trying to keep to prints that only took 1 day to complete but I couldn't resist dropping this one here. Post Processing on this one is.... a lot. The actual printing of parts was not bad but I did have to reduce the print by 20% to fit on my Bambu's print bed. The challenge on this print is that it requires you to connect the individual sword pieces and then sand, prime and paint. On top of that, you will likely want to determine how you're going to insert the rod that holds the sword together. I opted for a threaded rod similar to this one. My recommendation on this one would be to print the sword's blade in silver (some sort of metallic PLA, like this one), this will save you from having to paint it. Also, be prepared with some form of black PLA as well (also metallic, like this one). Unlike the other Geekmas prints, this one will cost you a little bit for the STL file.
You can see this one over on TikTok:
@geekyinc My favorite weapon from my favorite game... 🗡️🗡️🗡️🗡️ #bustersword #finalfantasy #geek #geekculture #geekyinc #3dprinting #geekmas
♬ original sound - geekyinc
The breakdown:
Original Appearance - Final Fantasy 7 on the Playstation
Time to Print (on a Bambu P1P) ~
Post Processing - Heavy
Link to STL ($$$) - https://www.cgtrader.com/3d-print-models/games-toys/toys/final-fantasy-vii-buster-sword-bracelet-shoulderpad
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